It's Transformative 

Why do we call it transformative ?

Because it is integrated with the necessary tools for an individual to take charge of their life and make meaningful changes in all areas to transform. Each participant will be connected with each service below.


Complete up to a 32 hours of  evidence based and federally proven program with one-on-one selective personal development.


Provide access to pre-employment workshops, resume development, interview preparation and middle skills training. 


Provide assistance to gain your GED or High school diploma and  beyond.

 "Life Trajectory" Plan  

Creating a unique life plan would be essential for personalized success.  


Through our network of partners we assist participants with transportation,  medical help, clothing, mental health resources, rental assistance, rapid re-housing placement, and financial counseling. 

Connect The Dots

“Connect The Dots” Quarterly Community Networking Forum and Workshop.

Apply Now. 

Apply now with link below.

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Things To Come...

Come back and check in to see when would the below services are available