Join the Army - Gideon 300!!
Gideon’s Army represents the three hundred chosen by God to do battle and rescue Israel. It is composed of servant leaders who share the vision of Pastor Walker. They believe that God will unlock their talents and abilities and direct them towards elevating the homeless. Your donation will help provide important components to help lift an individual out of poverty and into a thriving life.
Rental assistance for those living in transitional homes or rapid Re-housing units we support.
Rental assistance or those at risk for eviction
Workforce development and Job search assistance
Tuition fees assistance for Short term certification programs.
Transportation assistance.
Support for local COPE (Cost o Poverty Experience)
Scholarships Awards - Undergrad, Masters, and Vocational.
Cost of Transforming a Life
Individual Cost Per Participant
Cost of Housing Assistance
Help provide shelter, food and clothing, and toiletries for one Participant
Cost of Education Assistance
$ 500
Help provide GED, skilled courses or Higher Education courses plus transportation for one participant
Cost of Work Readiness
Help provide professional workshops in effective communication, problem solving, resume building, and interviewing
Cost of Cognitive Development
Help one person complete behavior program that is evidence based and federal proven
What Does Success Look Like?
Individual and Community Benefits
When you give an opportunity for someone to gain the four components below.